27 mayo, 2020

I could be a criminal
I think I have everything to be one
all that hate and rage
i can feel it
but it doesn't come out and i wonder why

I had/have sweet parents
they loved me 
and i have the coolest brother
he is so cool most people can't really see it

all those kids that are not loved
you think the world is just fine
and we don't need to do something about it?
it is not. we are not well.
many among us are not loved.
they never experienced the effect of love
on their behaviour.

some are lucky and in spite of all that hate
they know exactly what not to do
to their fellow humans

there is no way back once that human is born 
to a place where there is 
no love
no cultural support
not enough community
no art no music that makes you dance
and fall in love

we have to invest in each other
not in companies
not in land
not in degrees
not in commuting
not in sad jobs
not in escaping

be the one that does nothing of that sort
love is all you need